The IIP congratulates Nico Lehmann, who successfully completed his doctoral examination on „Regionality in Electricity Products – A Residential Consumer Perspective” on December 13th, 2022.
The IIP congratulates Rebecca Wehrle, who successfully completed her doctoral examination on „Criticality of infrastructure networks under consideration of resilience-based maintenance strategies using the example of inland waterways” on December 12th, 2022.
The IIP congratulates Florian Kaiser, who successfully completed his doctoral examination on "Cyber Threat Intelligence based Holistic Risk Quantification and Management” on December 12th, 2022.
The IIP congratulates Lei Xu, who successfully completed her doctoral examination on „Life cycle environmental assessment of European power systems considering the impacts of electric vehicles
integration” on December 12th, 2022.
The IIP congratulates Christoph Nolden, who successfully completed his doctoral examination on „Kopplung der Sektoren Strom und Gas mittels Power-to-Gas-Anlagen zur Dekarbonisierung der Stromversorgung” on December 7th, 2022.
The textbook "Economics of Power Systems – Fundamentals for Sustainable Energy" written in common by the three professors Dominik Möst (TU Dresden), Christoph Weber (University of Duisburg-Essen), and Wolf Fichtner (KIT), was recently published as part of the "Springer Texts in Business and Economics" series.
The IIP congratulates Joris Dehler-Holland, who successfully completed his doctoral examination on „The Socio-Technical Dynamics of Renewable Energy Policies in Germany” on November 30th, 2022.

In bright sunshine, students of the course Planning and Management of Industrial Plants took the opportunity on 23.11.2022 to visit the Rheinhafen steam power plant Karlsruhe as part of an excursion.
The excursion complemented thematically the technical course, which was demonstrated, among other things, by numerous questions to the tour guide.
The IIP congratulates Fritz Braeuer, who successfully completed his doctoral examination on „Techno-Economic Evaluation of Battery Storage Systems in Industry” on October 25th, 2022.
In their recent paper published in Energy Policy, Florian Zimmermann and Dogan Keles show that nuclear power plants in France can hardly be renewed under liberalized market conditions, as other technologies like CCGT and RES outcompete them from a private investment perspective. If France counts on the renewal of the nuclear capacity, in order to guarantee energy security, this might only be achieved in a policy-driven scenario.
For more information, visit KIT-Open or directly via the publisher.
On 8.11. and 9.11.2022, Julius Beranek, Florian Zimmermann and Emil Kraft, on behalf of IIP, took part in the research network meeting of the BMWK in Berlin. In addition to poster contributions to the funded projects VerSEAS, Vermeer and SEDOS, those mentioned above, together with the University of Duisburg-Essen (Chair Prof. Weber) and the TU Dresden (Chair Prof. Möst), steered a workshop on the topic "Analysis and Evaluation of Security of Supply" for the event. Among others, Mirjam König (TransnetBW) gave an impulse on experiences and insights from her work as head of the stress test this summer. Many thanks to all those involved and participants for the smooth organization and insightful discussions.
On 26 September 2022, a workshop about the security of supply took place at the Haus der Wirtschaft in Stuttgart, as part of the VerSEAS research project. Exciting lectures from politics, business and science, which gave insights into the actor-specific positions, and served as a starting point for the discussions, were followed by about 80 participants. The presentations can be downloaded here.
The 18th International Conference on the European Energy Market (EEM) took place from 13-15 September 2022, organized by the University of Ljubljana in Slovenia. Mr. Florian Zimmermann gave there a lecture entitled "Modeling the Dispatch of Electrolyzers Using Agent-based Electricity Market Simulation".
During the OR conference OR2022 from 06.-09.09.2022, Mr. Niklas Braun (IIP) gave a lecture entitled "Optimization of the logistical planning of Deconstruction of Nuclear Power Plants" and Mr. Florian Kaiser (IIP) the lecture "Cyberattacks as a Markov Decision Problem".

During the summer association meeting of IIP-Bridge on 21.07.2022, the IIP-Bridge science prizes were awarded. Mr. Patrick Jochem, Head of Department at the German Aerospace Center, gave a keynote note at the beginning. Subsequently, the prizes went to Kathrin Gläser for her master thesis "Optimal allocation planning of hydrogen electrolysis in the energy system of the future with high shares of renewable energies",
as well as to Simon Bächle for his master thesis "Analysis and modeling of marketing options and revenue potentials for virtual power plants using the example of small-scale run-of-river power plants".For the physical well-being was provided in the best way.
We cordially invite you to discuss the latest issues of this controversial topic with various stakeholders from politics, business and science as part of the supply security workshop in Stuttgart.
Where: Haus der Wirtschaft, Willi-Bleicher-Str. 19, 70174 Stuttgart
When: September 26th, 2022
Participation is free of charge. To register, please send an e-mail to with the following information: Subject: Registration Workshop Security of Supply; Surname, first name, institution.
For more details, please click here.

Both chairs of the IIP were at the "Haus der Kirche" in Bad Herrenalb for a seminar with a total of 45 participants (and 2 connected online).
After many interesting presentations by the participants throughout the day, there was a small recreational program on the first evening: a short hike to the viewing platform "Falkenstein", where the group photo was taken. It had a beautiful view over Bad Herrenalb. On the way back some games like soccer, frisbee or spikeball were played in the city park in the center of Bad Herrenalb. The next morning the seminar ended with more contributions from the participants. Between the presentations there was no lack of pretzelbreakfasts, lunch or coffee breaks on any day.
On Monday, September 5, 2022, Prof. Stein-Erik Fleten from the Department of Industrial Economics and Technology Management at NTNU, Trondheim, will give a presentation on "Electricity forward prices: Risk premia and extrapolation".
Date: 05.09.2022, 16:00-17:00
Location: Campus West (Hertzstr. 16), Building 06.33, Room 103
On Friday, July 15, 2022, Mr. Florian Rothenberg, Senior Carbon Market Analyst from the company ICIS will give a guest lecture on CO2 emissions trading in the lecture "Energy Trading and Risk Management".
Location: R004, Building 30.28 (Learning Center at the Fasanenschlösschen)
Time: 11:30-13:00
The IIP congratulates Dr. Christoph Fraunholz on the presentation of the Science Prize of the KIT Department of Economics and Management in the category "Interdisciplinary Research". Mr. Fraunholz received the award for his dissertation on the topic "Market Design for the Transition to Renewable Electricity Systems". More information can be found here.
On Tuesday, July 5, 2022, Mr. Thomas Baier from the company ILOS Projects GmbH will give a guest talk relating to „Project Finance and Investment for Renewable Energy Projects” in the lecture „Introduction to the Energy Economics" by Prof. Fichtner.
Location: Carl Benz lecture hall, building 10.21
Time: 11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.

As part of the Energy Trading and Risk Management lecture, IIP employees and a group of students visited the Rheinhafen steam power plant in Karlsruhe on June 9th, 2022.
IIP invites scientists and researchers from all over the world to participate in OR 2022 with the main theme of energy, information and mobility. This conference provides an excellent platform to discuss and present your research, discover new and breakthrough applications and practices, create excellent networking opportunities with professionals from around the world, and exchange ideas with leading industry experts.
Visit us at
As part of the NOLAN project, we created a short video about our work in public-private collaborations in emergency logistics and posted it on KITopen here.
The IIP congratulates Ms. Verena Weiler, who successfully completed her doctoral examination on "Automatic simulation of heat demand and supply at district level" on March 8th, 2022.
"Project planning with added value" - this is the title of a current report in the KIT blog RESEARCH TO BUSINESS about a project planning tool developed by IIP and RODIAS GmbH. The planning tool, brought to market as software product OPTIRA, was developed within the BMBF-funded research projects MogaMaR and NukPlaRStoR. The development was supported by VPC Nukleare Dienstleistungen GmbH with know-how from nuclear dismantling.

The SuMo-Rhine research project coordinated by DFIU celebrated its closing event on November 17, 2021 from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. The event took place in attendance at the University of Freiburg. In addition, a live stream was offered over the internet.
The IIP congratulates Zongfei Wang, who successfully completed his doctoral examination on „Optimization methods for developing electric vehicle charging strategies” on February 2nd, 2022.