statistical and scenario based modelling of decisions under uncertainty (e.g. Monte-Carlo-Simulation)
statistical and scenario based modelling of extreme events
statistical and scenario based modelling of complex systems
development and test of robust systems for (multi-) objective decision support
Game Theoretical Modeling and Simulation
Agent-based simulation of strategic interactions
Defender attacker games, war gaming and simple forensic analysis
Economic contract theory, mechanism design and negotiations (e.g. strategic negotiations in purchasing)
Behavioral and psychological game theory
Economic laboratory experiments
Survey of preference parameters (e.g. risk aversion, ambiguity aversion, time preference)
Analysis of problems of cooperation and coordination (e.g. assessment of willingness to trust, trustworthiness and acceptance, willingness to contribute to a public good)
Analysis of strong conflicts of interest and protection strategies (e.g. Defender Attacker Games)
Mechanism design and negotiation protocols (e.g. risk shifting, multilateral negotiations)