
  • contact:

    Manuel Ruppert

    Daniel Sloot

    Nora Baumgartner

  • project group:

    Transport and Energy

  • funding:


  • partner:

    Universität Freiburg (project coordinator),

    Hochschule Karlsruhe,

    Deutsch-Französisches Isntitut für Umweltforschung (KIT-DFIU),

    Université de Haute-Alsace (UHA),

    Trion-climate e.V.,

    Klimapartner Oberrhein e.V.,

    Hochschule für öffentliche Verwaltung Kehl (HS Kehl),

    Université de Strasbourg, CNRS

  • start:


  • end:


CO2InnO-Real laboratory CO2-neutral innovation region Upper Rhine:
Development of Energy and Mobility Solutions

The project "CO2Inno" is coordinated by the University of Freiburg. The project consortium represents ten other funded partners from Germany and France. The European Union supports the project with €2,556,522 million from the European Regional Development Fund (EFRE). The objectives of the project are the following:

1. to promote the technical development and societal embedding of selected technologies and approaches in the field of sustainable energy and mobility systems (CHP, e-mobility, smart grid, smart meter, and cyber security) in cooperation with the operators of two selected public institutions in the region (DE/FR).

2. a comparative analysis (Germany/France) of the legal-administrative feasibility and social acceptance of the tested technologies and approaches and derivation of recommendations.

3. an assessment of the overall environmental impact of reusing a former nuclear site for the development/implementation of low-carbon energy solutions.

4. participatory involvement of key regional stakeholders from Germany and France in the project's design, implementation, and dissemination.

5. raising awareness among policymakers and the public by presenting, discussing, and further developing climate-friendly solutions for sustainable energy and mobility at public events and involving economic actors in finding solutions.

The main results will be incorporated into a guideline containing policy recommendations for accepting the cross-border use of decarbonization technologies in several dimensions: technological, legal, administrative, and societal.

KIT-IIP/DFIU will be responsible for conducting the accompanying research focusing on technology acceptance. The aim is to identify factors influencing the acceptance of the technologies under study and to create acceptance among key actors by contributing to the co-creation processes.