Resource Management in the built environment

Chair of Business Administration, Production and Operations Management
Foto der GruppenmitgliederTeam Foto Ressourcenmanagement

f.l.t.r.: Justus Steins, Elena Vollmer, Niklas Braun, Simon Steffl, Antonia Frank, Rebekka Volk, Rafael Bischof, Mihir Rambhia, Elias Naber


The research focus of our group lies in the method-based decision support of stakeholders in project and resource management in the built environment. Current works deal with the deconstruction, recycling and circular economy of construction materials, cellular concrete, plastics and composite materials, energy efficiency and renewable energies in buildings, sustainable urban and district development, regional resource management, the use of urban data and the optimization of the deconstruction of buildings/facilities (including nuclear facilities and wind power plants) as well as the optimization of recycling material logistic networks. In addition, adaptation strategies, recommendations for action and instruments for sustainable, life cycle-oriented construction are developed.

Please find here our contact persons, an overview of our research topics and projects, our publications as well as student seminars and theses (education).