The Upper Rhine Cluster for Sustainability Research (URCforSR)

The Universities of ‘Eucor - The European Campus’ in Basel, Freiburg, Karlsruhe, Mulhouse and Strasbourg, the University of Koblenz-Landau with the Landau campus, as well as various Universities of Applied Sciences and research institutes are part of the Upper Rhine Cluster for Sustainability Research (URCforSR). The overall long-term objective of this project is to establish a research network of at least European eminence. On the one hand side, the consortium aims at developing excellent, cross-border and interdisciplinary research activities and, on the other hand side, the objective is to stimulate knowledge transfer into the society.

In terms of content, the work of the cluster is oriented towards the overarching theme of "Governance of sustainable growth". This is further divided into five "profiling areas", each of which is intended to contribute to the overarching theme:
• Governance,
• Energy, infrastructure, societal change,
• Transformation & Innovation,
• Resource management,
• Multiculturalism and multilingualism.

Further information is available at the project homepage: