STRABASA - Integration of new technologies for the middle-european bitumen logistics

  • contact:

    Dipl.-Ing. Marius Wunder
    Tel.: +49 (0)721 608-4694     Fax: +49 (0)721 608-4682     E-mail: marius wunderSyy8∂tpaqi com

  • funding:

    TPA Gesellschaft für Qualitätssicherung und Innovationen GmbH

  • partner:
    • Deutsche Asphalt GmbH
    • Institut für Bauingenieurwesen, Technische Universität Berlin
    • Institut für Straßenwesen (IFS), Universität Siegen
    • SE-SB Bestlap - Pavement Research Centre,  Bergische Universität Wuppertal
  • startdate:


  • enddate:


During STRABASA project phase I , new technologies for the cold storage of the asphaltic binder bitumen and the following re-liquefaction were developed. These patent-protected innovations were integrated into the middle-European logistics concept of a reference construction enterprise. 

During project phase II, the existing mass flows of the hot-liquid road construction material are modelled to identify optimal facility location alternatives for bitumen liquefaction plants. Furthermore, the required capacities at each location were quantified.

Project-specific publications:

WUNDER, M.; HIETE, M.; STENGEL, J.; SCHULTMANN, F. (2012): Potential supply chain cost savings from innovative cold bitumen handling. International Journal of Logistics, 15(5), p. 337-350.