ResourceApp: Development of a mobile system to capture and tab resource efficiency potentials in deconstruction of infrastructure and products

  • contact:

    Dr.-Ing. Rebekka Volk

  • funding:

    BMBF, Link zur r³-Webseite 

  • partner:

    Fraunhofer Institut für Chemische Technologie (ICT), Pfinztal

    Fraunhofer Institut für Graphische Datenverarbeitung (IGC), Darmstadt

    COSAWA Sanierung GmbH

    Werner Otto GmbH

    Geotechnisches Planungs- und Beratungsbüro Arke


  • start:


  • end:


More than half of the annual waste generation in Germany results from construction and demolition activities. The high quality utilization and recycling of the resources contained therein is still in its infancy. Dismantling and demolition projects are usually carried out under great time and cost pressure. During project bidding and pre-planning, the inbuilt (raw) materials are estimated via existing documents and an inspection. But reliable and comparable data on the resource potential of a building are not determined.


The underlying vision of the project ResourceApp is a combination of hardware and software supporting the user during site inspections with as little additional information as possible to allow a reliable statement about the of raw material content and potentially anticipated pollutants in a building. A model-based deconstruction project planning should help to efficiently regain the recyclables into the material cycle. Within the project a software is developed that detects geometric structures and components in buildings such as walls, ceilings, windows, doors, electrical outlets or radiators. By linking this information with data from literature and standards it is possible to deduce occluded components such as wiring, piping or reinforcements and to calculates the inherent raw materials of the building.



The project partners create a building typology and prepare relevant construction information. Then simulateneously, selection and tests of possible hardware are performed and software is developed. The building geometries are to be detected with the aid of image- and feature-based recognition and  followed by a 3D reconstruction of the building and its elements. The next step is to combine construction information and building geometries and to link it with a building inventory and subsequent deconstruction schedule and cost. The development of ResourceApp is accompanied by practical verifications during the dismantling of residential buildings. Finally, the possibilities to transfer the ResourceApp approach to other products and industries such as infrastructure or transport are examined.




Target substances: Al, Fe, Cu, Zn, Glass, metals, timber, mineral raw materials, plastics


Project related publications:

VOLK, R.; LUU, T. H.; MUELLER-ROEMER, J. S.; SEVILMIS, N.; SCHULTMANN, F. (2018): Deconstruction project planning of existing buildings based on automated acquisition and reconstruction of building information, Automation in Construction 91, July 2018, pp. 226-245, doi:10.1016/j.autcon.2018.03.017

VOLK, R. (Hrsg.). (2017): Entwicklung eines mobilen Systems zur Erfassung und Erschließung von Ressourceneffizienzpotenzialen beim Rückbau von Infrastruktur und Produkten („ResourceApp“): Schlussbericht des Forschungsvorhabens, 2017, KIT Scientific Publishing, Karlsruhe. doi:10.5445/KSP/1000068354 

HÜBNER, F.; VOLK, R.; KÜHLEN, A.; SCHULTMANN, F. (2017): Review of project planning methods for deconstruction projects of buildings, Built environment project and asset management, 7 (2), 212–226. doi:10.1108/BEPAM-11-2016-0075 

VOLK, R.; SEVILMIS, N.; STIER, C.; BAYHA, A. (2016): ResourceApp – Entwicklung eines mobilen Systems zur Erfassung und Erschließung von Ressourceneffizienzpotenzialen beim Rückbau von Infrastruktur und Produkten, Innovative Technologien für Ressourceneffizienz – Strategische Metalle und Mineralien. Hrsg.: A. Dürkoop, C. Brandstetter, G. Gräbe, L. Rentsch, 389–404, Fraunhofer Verl., Stuttgart

VOLK, R.; SEVILMIS, N.; SCHULTMANN, F. (2015). Deconstruction project planning based on automatic acquisition and reconstruction of building information for existing buildings  . Proceedings of SASBE2015, Smart and Sustainable Built Environments Conference, 9-11.12. 2015 in Pretoria, South Africa. Ed.: J. Gibberd, 47-56, Pretoria.

VOLK, R.; STENGEL, J.; SCHULTMANN, F. (2014): Building Information Models (BIM) for existing buildings – literature review and future needs. Automation in Construction, 38, S.109-127.

STIER, C.; WOIDASKY, J.; BAYHA, A.; STORK, A.; SEVILMIS, N.; SCHULTMANN, F.; VOLK, R.; STENGEL, J. (2014): Erkennung und Erschließung von Rohstoffpotentialen aus dem Hochbau mittels eines mobilen Systems - ResourceApp, Posterbeitrag zum 3. Symposium "Rohstoffeffizienz + Rohstoffinnovationen", Nürnberg, 5.+6.02.2014

VOLK, R.; STENGEL. J.; SCHULTMANN, F. (2013): Compilation of regional building stock inventories under uncertainty. In Proceedings of the Sustainable Buildings Conference 2013 (SB13), Singapore, S. 493-500.

WOIDASKY, J.; STIER, C.; STORK, A.; SEVILMIS, N.; SCHULTMANN, F.; STENGEL, J.; VOLK, R. (2013): Erkennung und Erschließung von Rohstoffpotentialen aus dem Hochbau. In Rüppel, U.: 2. Darmstädter Ingenieurkongress – Bau und Umwelt. Darmstadt. Aachen: Shaker Verlag, S. 669-673.